Nominate for ChatGPT Awards 2024! Plus 6 AI Chatbot Use Cases You Should Try!

It’s been over 1.5 years since ChatGPT took over the world after its launch on 30 Nov 2022.

I’ll be honest, I wasn’t an early adopter. Despite working in tech and having a deep appreciation for disruptive technology, I am usually sceptical about new technology and tend to stay as an observer until there’s enough evidence showing that the investment is worth the hype.

However, since I started experimenting with ChatGPT, I’ve discovered a few use cases that I really like and would not live without. They are either productivity hacks and time savers, or creative shortcuts. The technology continues to evolve, and I get the impression that beyond the common uses, there are golden nugget use cases that are more unique and less known.

So I thought I’d create a ChatGPT Award where you can nominate these golden nuggets, and check back for a compiled report of nominations for inspiration.

Submit Your Nominations

The purpose of this little experiment is to explore and learn about the most effective, innovative, impactful and loved uses of ChatGPT in various fields. And eventually I would like to compile an article to share these back with the community.

So whether you have found a creative way to leverage ChatGPT for personal productivity, professional enhancement, creative outlet or community benefit, I'd love to hear from you. Your contributions will help more people understand and appreciate the diverse applications of AI chatbots and inspire others in the community.

You can submit your entries through this form here.

Here are the proposed award categories, with one “bonus category” in the end:

The Most Creative: The most original or creative use case that you invented or have tried (that gave good results)

The Biggest Time Saver: The use case that save the most of time on aggregate since you started using ChatGPT or other AI bots

Best Productivity Booster: The use case that is the most effective in improving your productivity

The Most Frequented: The thing you use ChatGPT or AI bots for the most often

The Least Replaceable: The thing that was significantly more difficult to do before ChatGPT era

Your Favourite: Your favourite use case, in case it hasn’t been covered in any of the categories above

The Most Overrated: As the name suggests, the most overrated. The use case that everyone talks about but you really don’t like the results of

I look forward to reading your submissions!

My Own Submissions

To get us started, I thought I’d share my own submission with my personal favourite (and least favourite) use cases.

The Most Creative - [Day Dreaming with ChatGPT]

The Biggest Time Saver - [Writing Official Complaint Letters]

Best Productivity Booster - [Research Specific Topics/Companies/Products]

The Most Frequented - [Alternative Words/Phrases]

The Least Replaceable - [Music/Podcast/Book Recommender] [Make Sense of Words/Phrases/Jokes in Context]

The Most Overrated - [Content Creation / Creative Writing]

Intrigued? Let me know if you want more details on them!

What use cases are you nominating? Submit your entries here!


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