Despair - David Whyte
Bingqian Gao Bingqian Gao

Despair - David Whyte

Despair is a difficult, beautiful necessary, a binding understanding between human beings caught in a fierce and difficult world where half of our experience is mediated by loss, but it is a season, a wave form passing through the body, not a prison surrounding us. A season left to itself will always move, however slowly, under its own patience, power and volition.

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From One To They - Radha Devaraj
Bingqian Gao Bingqian Gao

From One To They - Radha Devaraj

They say we need to smile, but together, they smother a smile

They say team, but together, they exclude one

They say collaboration, but together, they make it a nightmare for one

They say flexibility, but together, they are rigid for one

They say empathy, but together, they are cruel for one

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