From One To They - Radha Devaraj

I came across this poem in a video recording initiated by an organisation called #BeTheRipple ( It touched me immediately for Radha's assembly of such "simple" words capture the reality so powerfully and vividly. So I decided to read and record it myself. May this little poem help us ponder on what we can do for #diversity and #inclusion, and also find strength if we happen to be the "one".

They say we need to smile, but together, they smother a smile

They say team, but together, they exclude one

They say collaboration, but together, they make it a nightmare for one

They say flexibility, but together, they are rigid for one

They say empathy, but together, they are cruel for one

They say teamwork, but together, they destroy one's work

They say understanding, but together, they destroy reputation for one

They say appreciation, but together, they deny this to one

They say growth, but together, they curb this for one

They say fun, but together, they keep one in tears

They say cheers, but together, they put down one

They say trust, but together, they hoard to shake one

Who is this 'One'?

The one they do not accept

The one they do not want to be accepted

The one they do not want to be honoured

The one they do not want to be heard

The one they do not want to respect

The one they want to avoid

The one they do not want to clap for

Yet, that 'One' can clap for all

One can still smile to defeat the pain

One can still be clear without being clever to destroy- that is the strength of one.

Feel proud to be 'one' when 'they' did not come to you

Life has to go on even if you are one

Until you support another one

To bind many 'ones' into kind 'they'


Despair - David Whyte


I Love My Wife, My Wife Is Dead - Richard Feynman to Arline Feynman