In Trust We Dive - A Poem to Celebrate Freediving Safety Divers

Freediver, the vast ocean draws you in.

Swallowed into the depth where light dims, and heartbeats thunder in the enveloping silence.

Down there, it’s another world - a world where you are utterly alone.

Until, suddenly, you are not.

A shadow emerges from above, a blurry figure - the safety diver. The guardian for your solitary quest - a dive on a single breath, whether it’s to the depth of 30 or 100 metres.

Dropped to your level, they go on to escort you through the final third of your ascend. Their gaze locked on you. Undivided attention.

This is when the dive turns from a solo to a duo, climbing out of the abyss together. It’s raw, it’s real, it’s intimate; it’s knowing that you are safe when the the urge to exit is overwhelming.

With hearts bold and spirits free, here, a bond is forged with unspoken words - a profound connection that says

“I’ve got your back.”


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