Freediving at Night!

My first freediving night dive!

It's a fully immersive exploration beneath the surface, a dance with shadows and light that moves and unfolds in the full embrace of darkness.

It's a peek into the mysterious land with wonder, where the darkness intensifies every sensation and the silent world above is momentarily forgotten.

Looking up to see the moon and the starry sky from underwater while ascending creates a vertigo that's both disorienting and exhilarating. It's a dizzying sensory experience and almost felt like hypoxia.

It's an intimate and profound exchange with the sea, one that is scarcely captured by words or films.

Sharing this little snippet with you, but it was a full visual, auditorial, tactile, and kinaesthetic sensations that has to be experienced in person to fully appreciate its magic.

Have you freedived at night? What was your experience? What’s cool to try?


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