Freediving and Me

I first learned freediving in summer 2021. I fell in love with it instantly.

I feel deeply connected and drawn to this sport primarily because of the introspection it brought me. Of course, I love the ocean, the wild lives, the feeling of calmness and freedom underwater. But the introspection part is what's uniquely appealing about this sport.

And introspection is such a relevant aspect, not just for water and ocean lovers but for anyone that is interested in wellbeing and mental health, which is pretty much every one of us on earth. In the working professional world, mental wellbeing has become a huge topic in recent years. You hear and read phrases like "burnout", "mental health challenges" and "taking some time off" more often than our parents’ generation. Yoga and meditation have become ever more popular for this reason too. It's no longer a niche thing for a small group of people who are from certain culture or eat and dress in a certain way. And this is where I see the potential of freediving. It may not get as mainstream as yoga and meditation simply due to accessibility reasons, and maybe not many are drawn to the depth of the ocean or the groups of patrolling sharks. But the appeal will grow for the deep introspection and relaxation that the practice brings, which benefits all aspects of our lives.

My heart is so swollen with excitement, passion, inspiration and gratitude. The intuition is guiding me and at the awakening of the realisation that I can tap into my intuitive senses, I feel the empowerment and appreciation that fill my heart and my body. Memories of moments of joy and ecstasy in the past played like film clips in my head. I was reminded what excited me, what enlightened me, who and what they did inspired me, and what I felt strong passion for. My appreciation for things and events might have evolved overtime, but if you peel down to the very depth of those moments, the core of them shines with the same characteristics. And THAT is the secret to all the empowerment and intrinsic motivation and drive I’ve been feeling these years. A desire to explore and experiment. To build genuine connections. To touch another soul. To better myself. To be of help to others. To give to those that I love. To learn about love and expand love. To exercise kindness.

I am not confined by one thing, one tag, one profession or identity. I am always learning, absorbing, shaping, evolving, like the ocean. 

I am so grateful to have found Freediving. They say that when you meet the love of your life, you just know. This was how I felt when I met Freediving.

I am motivated to learn and train, even though I am not fixated on depth.

The creation of these underwater videos, they are a way to record my journey. This is my diary. The traces of my life. A cosy and intimate place for me to revisit, and for my family and friends to share and enjoy. It’s also a place where I open my heart to complete strangers and embrace the world of possibilities even if it terrifies me. This is a challenge. This is also an indulgence. A challenge because of the honesty and vulnerability that comes with the openness. An indulgence because I get to embrace and explore the parts of me that form me, that are developing and evolving yet unwavering and persistent. They carry over through time. They permeate my life and the decisions I make. They witness and accompany me through peaks and troughs of the journey that I embarked on that is solely for me to experience as a whole. They are loyal and patient - always there for me even when I neglect them. They know I will find my way back to them eventually. I will find my way back to my true self.

I always do.

15 Sep 2022


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