Welcome to the

Data Empowerment Network (DEN)

An initiative to support and empower small and medium-sized organisations to unlock the full potential of their data assets

Turn Data into Impact for every organisation

Bingqian started the Data Empowerment Network (DEN) in 2024 (it’s new!) with the intention to bridge the data and analytics knowledge gap for small and medium-sized organisations. Her mission is to empower businesses, NGOs, schools, charities, and governmental organisations with the knowledge, resources, tools, and strategies they need to harness the power of their data, even if they are not large or resourceful enough to justify hiring an analytics army.

We achieve this by bringing together small and medium-sized organisations facing real-world data and analytics challenges with data professionals from diverse industries, geographies, seniority levels, and backgrounds who are hungry to do more outside of their day job. DEN provides a collaborative space where organisations can pursue empowerment through data-driven solutions, while analytics practitioners benefit from professional growth through real-world projects, meaningful connections, peer-to-peer support, mentorship, collaboration, and knowledge-sharing.

“I believe in the power of Analytics and Data Science in uncovering insights and informing better decision making, and I want to see all organisations, regardless of size, have the ability to unlock the full potential of their data assets and achieve meaningful impact.”

- Bingqian Gao

Key Players

Member Organizations:

  • Small and medium-sized organisations: businesses, NGOs, schools, charities, and governmental entities

  • Contribute by bringing their unique data and analytics challenges and real-world problems for the network to solve

  • Gain access to tailored data-driven solutions at a fraction of the cost, particularly for projects contributing to a good cause

  • Opportunity to have data-enhanced decision-making capabilities, improved operational efficiency, or more competitive offerings

  • Provide rewards and compensation within their capacity (e.g. a dive shop can provide free scuba diving packages, a resort can provide free stay)

  • Network with other organisations facing similar data challenges, share learning and best practices

Analytics Practitioners:

  • Professionals in data analytics, data visualisation, data management, data science and consulting

  • Bring invaluable expertise to tackle the challenges presented by member organisations and gain real-world experience

  • Contribute to social good by working on meaningful and impactful projects

  • Work with a diverse range of organisations, industries and geographies

  • Stay at the forefront of data and analytics trends through continuous collaboration, practical problem-solving, and community learning

  • Opportunity to gain unique experiences provided by member organisations (e.g. scuba diving and growing corals in the Caribbean!)

Our Value


We all have something to give.

Your story has value. Your experience has value. Your wisdom has value.

Let’s contribute.


We value differences of roots, and respect differences in opinions.

We thrive with diversity and inclusivity.


We empower and get empowered with knowledge, collaboration, and kindness.

Together, we are more innovative and resilient than one.